BC RIGC Workshops
At the request of First Nations and the selected demonstration projects, the BC RIGC develops and hosts webinars on topics of interest and capacity development. Although the sessions are not recorded, the slides for these sessions are developed to serve as stand-alone resources and reference tools and will all be posted on this page.
Data Sharing Agreements: This webinar describes and defines data-sharing or information-sharing agreements, outlines key considerations in choosing when these should potentially be contractual or non-contractual in nature, and provides an annotated outline and examples of these agreements. Find the slide deck here.
Working with Engagement Data: This webinar provides practical templates and tips associated with ethically gathering and presenting community engagement data, with specific focus on consent statements, disclaimers, analysis processes, reporting products, and overarching policy and guidelines. Find the slide deck here.
Fact Sheets - Learn about the BC RIGC
11 Demostration Projects are underway.
Check out how 36 BC First Nations communities and organization are reclaiming their data sovereignty.
The following reports and publications are drivers for Indigenous Data Governance:
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) (2007)
United Nations
Disaggregated demographic data collection in BC: The grandmother perspective (2020)
BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (BCOHRC)
First Nations Population Health and Wellness Agenda (2019)
BC First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) and the Provincial Health Officer (PHO)
Data Tools and Resources
Community Planning Tools
Through the BCFNDGI, First Nations have created tools to facilitate comprehensive community planning.
Indigenous Governance and Reconciliation Framework
This poster presents a framework to enhance the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadian governments, focusing on self-determination, governance, and land rights for Indigenous Nations. It suggests governance, policy, and funding changes to support Indigenous community development and nation rebuilding.
A Wellness Indicator Development Guide, Bronwen Geddes (2015)
Sample Indicators of Social Determinants of Health, Christopher Horsethief, Ph.D. (2015)
Examples of Strategic Outcomes Associated with Determinants of Health
AANDC, Perspective, Indicators & Outcomes, Christopher Horsethief, Ph.D. (2015)
The Seven Cs: A First Nations' Guide to Planning and Reporting Standards (2016)
Community Reporting Template (with sample minimum data elements)
These tools are accompanied by a Comprehensive Community Planning Handbook, created in partnership by First Nations and the British Columbia regional office of INAC.
Open Data
This application offers users no-cost access to hundreds of FNIGC’s published charts and tables from our foundational First Nations survey reports, including the First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS) and the First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (FNREEES or REEES). All data produced are aggregated nationally and weighted to represent First Nations people living in reserve and in Northern communities across Canada.